Tuesday, January 6, 2015

5 Websites Jan. 6th 3/5 will finish other 2 at home


Summary: Modeling requires movement and easy flow. It's necessary to keep hands and features soft or natural looking rather than like a deer in head lights. As well, keep moving and never hold a pose for more than a couple seconds and keep reinventing your body angles.

I learned that models don't actually sit or stand still for shoots usually. They keep changing themselves and are responsible for most posing instead of just blandly following instructions.

1. The video was focused on a model for Elle Magazine. She never held still for more than half a second and when something went wrong or her hat fell off, she went with it and used it for a new and interesting pose. The model also adjusted facial expressions and the level of ferocity of her poses to match the outfit she was wearing.
2. Made by James Conran. He's Coco Rocha's husband(who the video was about) and an artist.
3. I learned that modeling is like improv, but it never stops. The model has to think very clearly for themselves in an artistic way as well as being self aware of their body and how a position will appear on camera.


Summary: Photography is scary sometimes and it is important to keep moving forward. This can be achieved through some Photography New Year's Resolutions that help to further along one's photography and remove inhibitions and doubt.

I learned that putting yourself out there for judgement, while difficult and terrifying, is necessary to get anywhere with photography and getting no reply or criticism can suck, but is ultimately a crucial part to get out of the way.

On the site I saw photography resolutions that have 0 to do with an actual camera. They were all focused on the photographer and how to reach inside yourself and reach out to others to accomplish better photography. Also, the article talked about keeping up with creativity, capturing your own life instead of just strangers, and bettering yourself through photography.
I learned that the click of a camera isn't as important to the art of photography as the photographer itself.  Photography can be basic or surreal and it all depends on the vision and depth of the photographer.
The site related to photography in that the overall focus was to accelerate one's photography and valuing the art itself.


Summary: This article explained various time tested and approved techniques for interesting photos. They are mostly manual techniques to be done by hand or with the camera instead of using software.

I learned that even basic dslr's are capable of producing many interesting images using in-camera techniques.

Favorite photo:

I picked this photo because this technique can be achieved in camera and combines nature and a human portrait.
Rule of Photography: perspective. Not only is the person's portrait taken from below to create an interesting angle, but the tree line is upside down which is subtly confusing.
Photocred: Brian Tomlinson

Summary: The article talked mostly about working closely with the models to come together for great images. It focused on bringing models out of their comfort zone to produce more natural looking images as well as experimenting as a photographer with lighting and techniques. 

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