Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Prompt Shoot Peer Review

My favorite image is the "best image overall" because it really draws attention to the subject's face with the extreme blur in the back with some slight blurring of his shoulders and back of the head. As well, the model's expression works well with the scenery around him.

My least favorite image is probably the "things" image because the composition and placement of the pumpkins is just ever so slightly odd to me. The focus points seem fine and the depth feels okay, but the  way the subjects fill the image just doesn't quite sit right.

Positive: I really like the way nature is incorporated into all the images like the woods, the sunlight flare, the greenery at the capitol building, and the pumpkins. It looks to me like she's found a personal style or preference and it works well in all of the images.

Positive: I feel like most of the images are telling a story. No image is wasted or insignificant. The images of the capitol building emphasize the authority and grandness of the building, both portraits highlight the personality of the subjects.

Could improve on setting up shots more thoughtfully perhaps. Most were just fine, but the "people" picture was a little too far to the right of the subject, in my opinion, based on how blurry the background is and the whole pumpkin thing was a bit weird, but the images are still very nice.

I think the best prompt portrayed was "people". The "people" image looked nice, showed rules pretty well, and really showcased the subject's personality which is what we look for in people in images.

I think the least successful prompt was "things". Things can have just as much personality and effect as people when framed in an image and the pumpkins had a nice focus on color, but there was nothing that stood out about them or nothing about them that seemed terribly intriguing. The image is by no means bad, it's a lovely picture, but I didn't quite get the point. I feel like the exact same subject could look vastly different if you have a solid idea of what tone you want the image to have and maybe composed it differently or taken a different angle. Despite the dubbing of "least successful" I still like this image :)

Overall, I really like your images and your style. You're very talented and these look awesome. Great job.

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