Monday, February 23, 2015

Peer Review 6 Station

My favorite image is the Bubble. It's very mysterious and I'm really curious as to how there is a visible circle of the rainbow of soap surrounded by pure black and then surrounded by an outer layer of rainbow soap. It's intriguing and simple.

My least favorite image is the miniature. It's just not quite eye catching or super remarkable. It's still a nice image, but there was nothing about it that particularly piqued my interest right off the bat. Maybe if there was just a touch more going on in the scene it would add to  the over all effect.

1. All of these images are inspired by a certain feel, it's unique and just whimsical enough in each image to make me smile but it's not over done. There is something to think about in every photo, whether it be the subject or the general feeling you get while looking at the photo. I like this.
2. Each image is minimal. They're all very simple, but they still tell a story or portray something interesting. To spark interest with minimal aspects contributing to the subject is really neat.

As far as overall improvement goes, I think just maybe framing each image to be a little more pleasing to the eye could help, but even then, not much needs to be improved at all. Like, for instance, maybe the scene of the miniature could be zoomed out just a smidge and maybe there could be a litttttle bit more empty space on top so that the subject doesn't take up the whole image and more importance is placed on the scene itself.

Overall, very great images :)

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